Mickey G. Rose is a World Renowned Positive Life Coach & Motivator making a positive impact in the lives of thousands of people every day!

Mickey G. Rose is a World Renowned Positive Life Coach & Motivator making a positive impact in the lives of thousands of people every day!

Welcome to Inspirational Life Resources Unlimited. We do not have a sales pitch. We refuse to offer products or services that place a financial hardship on our clients. Money is NOT my motivator, You Are!  

Helping others is it's own reward. Of course I have financial obligations, bills and expenses like anyone else. However, if I am able to help change the life of even just one person, with no pressure, no obligation, and no expectation for financial payment, I will do so.

The accomplishments of those whom I help, allow them to share and support my mission. Through the combined efforts, support, and financial contributions of former & current clients, we brighten the world one person at a time.